Apartments 30534

Design of a small apartment (90 photos)

Design of a small apartment (90 photos)

Creating an ergonomic and stylish design of a small-sized apartment is a rather difficult task. Indeed, on a compact area, you need not only to place the necessary things, but also to balance the lines, proportions, shades. To achieve the perfect result with minimal time, resources and effort, it is advisable to follow some simple recommendations when designing cramped rooms. You can learn more about them and see photos with illustrations in this article.

General rules for the design of a small apartment

The biggest problem with small-sized housing is, oddly enough, this is not a shortage of square meters, but their incorrect filling. Adhering to the laws of harmony and artistic taste, even the most compact apartment can be turned into comfortable apartments. First of all, it is necessary to consider the following nuances:

Color schemes

The role of the color palette in the interior is difficult to overestimate. Different combinations of shades radically change the atmosphere of the same room: pastel tones expand the space, bright colors fill it with warmth, dark colors add darkness and visually shift the boundaries. The smaller the area of ​​the room, the more carefully you should treat the choice of colors. A win-win option - when 70-90% is occupied by a neutral light background, and the rest of the space is reserved for saturated accents. In order to avoid excessive variegation, it is not necessary to combine more than 3 colors in one room (except in a shallow decor).

Design of a small apartment - Color
Design of a small apartment - Color


As you know, reflective surfaces create a depth effect, as if moving away from the observer. This property is widely used by designers, for example, to design "dark" corners where sunlight does not fall, corridors that are too narrow, or low ceilings. Just don’t need to mirror the entire apartment with mirrors and gloss, otherwise it will resemble, rather, a laboratory or a star ship from a science fiction film. Light textures with a light shine look much more comfortable - satin, silk, smooth leather, varnished wood.

Design of a small apartment - Textures
Design of a small apartment - Textures

Storage systems

Arranging things in a small apartment will be much easier if you provide for each little thing a separate shelf. For this purpose, roomy cabinets with a ceiling height, all kinds of mezzanines, drawers (including those located under the bed or inside the podium) are suitable. It is desirable that the doors of the storage systems are tightly closed, and not by swinging wings, but according to the compartment principle. Shelves and open shelves for small rooms are not very convenient, because they leave visible objects that not only accumulate dust, but also violate the integrity of the space.

Small Apartment Design - Storage Systems
Small Apartment Design - Storage Systems
Small Apartment Design - Storage Systems
Small Apartment Design - Storage Systems

How to choose an interior style

When arranging housing, people primarily focus on personal preferences, tend to surround themselves with things that cause pleasant emotions. For this reason, you can’t limit your imagination to a strict list of design directions suitable for small rooms, but such a list can be a good base and help you sort out what style to choose so that a small apartment becomes as beautiful and comfortable as possible. And remember that you can easily add personality to the simplest interior, showing a little creativity and courage in decorating it.

Small-sized apartment in the style of minimalism

This style is as if created for compact rooms. It is characterized by laconic forms, straight lines of furniture without distracting details, smooth surfaces and achromatic colors.However, the classic combination of white, gray and black can be replaced with almost the same seasoned beige-brown tones, or you can afford cheerful colors: lime with orange, yellow with pink, turquoise with black.

Small-sized apartment in the style of minimalism - Interior Design
Small-sized apartment in the style of minimalism - Interior Design
Small-sized apartment in the style of minimalism - Interior Design

Small Scandinavian style apartment

Reflecting winter landscapes, the Nordic interior looks as spacious and calm as possible. It is dominated by white gloss with a splash of gray. Cozy touches are light wood, woven rugs of red and blue yarn, linen upholstery, ethnic patterns, patchwork tiles. The absence of curtains and decorative elements may seem unusual, but it is precisely due to this that the small apartment becomes more spacious, bright and open.

Small Scandinavian-style apartment - Interior Design
Small Scandinavian-style apartment - Interior Design
Small Scandinavian-style apartment - Interior Design
Small Scandinavian-style apartment - Interior Design

Small apartment in the style of provence

Of all the country destinations, Provence is the most delicate and delicate. Pastel colors, small floral patterns and delicate lace soften the “office” look of a small-sized apartment, filling it with home comfort. Such a design is suitable for romantic people who like the leisurely moderation of a rustic summer, are fond of needlework and inspired by the natural beauty of the French province.

Small apartment in the style of Provence - Interior Design
Small apartment in the style of Provence - Interior Design
Small apartment in the style of Provence - Interior Design

Japanese-style small apartment

Economical and practical Japanese approach interior design with extraordinary accuracy, which can be seen in the examples of design. They combine minimalistic functionality and aesthetics inherent in the land of the Rising Sun. Japanese-style geometry is clearly defined rectangles in narrow frames. The color is natural and pleasant: a delicate cream or beige background, dark wood, bamboo textures, which are harmoniously complemented by cherry-red accents that resonate with the branch of a blossoming sakura that is necessarily present in the decoration or decor.

Small-sized apartment in the Japanese style - Interior Design
Small-sized apartment in the Japanese style - Interior Design

Decorating Tips

The correct design of the walls, floor and ceiling can completely transform a small apartment and visually enlarge it, filling it with light. For this, of course, it is recommended to choose the most natural whitened tones. Light shine is always appreciated, but mirror effects should not be abused. Materials must meet safety criteria, be environmentally friendly, high-quality and durable, so that repairs last as long as possible.


Considering the fact that the height of the ceilings in small dimensions leaves much to be desired, the optimal solution would be to level the surface and paint it white. To hide small cracks and other imperfections, fiberglass will help - thin spiderwebs that are glued on top of the plaster and strengthen it.

If the ceiling is uneven and there is a need to hide communications, then you can stop on the stretch film. In this case, a real decrease in height is eliminated by the snow-white purity and glossy gloss of the material, which is able to protect the rest of the repair during the flood from neighbors from above, simply collecting water inside.

Small Apartment Design - Ceiling Finish
Small Apartment Design - Ceiling Finish


You can decorate the walls in a small apartment with anything, be it painting, hand-painted, wallpaper, textured plaster, wood or plastic lining, bamboo panels, cork, ceramic tiles, mosaics, etc. In some cases, a combination of textures would be appropriate, but only vertically, since horizontal will reduce the height of the ceiling.

In modern design, it is not customary to design all the walls of the room the same way - they can be in the same color scheme, but decorated with different materials, with some accent inserts, or differ in color, while maintaining a single surface format.

Small Apartment Design - Wall Decoration
Small Apartment Design - Wall Decoration
Small Apartment Design - Wall Decoration


For the floor in living rooms, parquet, laminate in neutral wood shades without any patterns are suitable. A warmer option is carpet, carpeting, and cork.In areas where it is often necessary to clean and where moisture often occurs, such as an entrance hall, bathroom, and kitchen, medium-sized ceramic tiles without contrasting transitions will be most practical. As an alternative, you can also choose porcelain stoneware or make a bulk floor.

Small Apartment Design - Floor Finish
Small Apartment Design - Floor Finish
Small Apartment Design - Floor Finish


When purchasing or ordering furniture sets for a cramped apartment, it is recommended to pay attention to strict minimalist models. Rich carvings, panels, large patterns and conspicuous fittings will look out of place with the modest dimensions of the room.

The cabinet doors should ideally be sliding (compartments), rather than swing doors, so as not to occupy a third of the entire room when opening. Kitchen sets and walls in the living room should be bought with smooth facades without handles and, if possible, without open shelves. In this form, they will seem like a flat wall, without violating the proportions of the room.

As for tables and chairs, in small rooms it is more convenient to use lightweight structures on thin legs, products made of aluminum, plastic and high-impact glass, “bar” furniture (narrow and high racks, corresponding seats). All kinds of transformers deserve special mention - folding, folding, reclining pieces of furniture that can be hidden if necessary, making room for something else.

Design of a small apartment - Furniture
Design of a small apartment - Furniture
Design of a small apartment - Furniture

Design of a small apartment - photo

Even more original ideas for the design of a small apartment can always be found in the photo gallery on our website. The compilation published below includes many interesting solutions and useful design techniques that will help to distribute square meters with maximum benefit.

In the collection of ready-made solutions for the design of small rooms, it is easy to choose an option for your soul and, adapting it to your conditions, realize it. Good luck with your repairs, and let the new interior exceed your best expectations!

Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo
Interior design of a small apartment - photo


