Kitchen 6224

Countertop for the kitchen (105 photos): types, how to choose

Countertop for the kitchen (105 photos): types, how to choose

If you are faced with the question, what material and color of the countertop will suit your kitchen in the best way, then our article is for you. What advantages and disadvantages hide different surfaces for the working area? Let's figure it out!

Chipboard worktops

Chipboards are one of the most popular materials on the market today. Worktops made from such a base are covered with a laminate or plastic. Particleboard worktops have been recognized for their low cost along with good performance.

Modern technologies make it possible to create durable, moisture- and heat-resistant countertops. Such characteristics are achieved by pressing the laminate from paper under high pressure and temperature.

This material can be used in various interior styles, as manufacturers offer countertops that mimic any texture - stone, wood, metal and even leather.


+ Very cheap stuff;
+ Simple and reliable;
+ The surface copes with a variety of detergents, and also does not fade;
+ A huge palette of colors and imitations of materials.


- The joints of the countertop or places of mechanical damage are subject to moisture, which can lead to swelling or delamination of the plastic;
- Despite all the positive qualities, this is not entirely environmentally friendly material. It can release formaldehyde into the air, which negatively affects health.

Particle board kitchen
Particle board kitchen
Particle board kitchen
Particle board kitchen
Particle board kitchen
Particle board kitchen
Particle board kitchen
Particle board kitchen
Particle board kitchen
Particle board kitchen

MDF worktops

The main qualities of MDF countertops are very similar to the previous version made of particleboard. The main and most important difference is environmental friendliness. By replacing formaldehyde with paraffin or lignin, they are completely safe for human health, but this leads to an increase in cost compared to particle board.


+ Still a budget option;
+ Strong coating - hardly erased and resistant to mechanical damage;
+ Moisture and heat resistant (up to 95C);
+ Durable and completely harmless material.


- It is imperative to apply additional joint protection.

Worktop for kitchen from MDF
Worktop for kitchen from MDF
Worktop for kitchen from MDF
Worktop for kitchen from MDF
Worktop for kitchen from MDF
Worktop for kitchen from MDF
Worktop for kitchen from MDF
Worktop for kitchen from MDF
Worktop for kitchen from MDF
Worktop for kitchen from MDF

Artificial stone countertops

Artificial stone countertops will help give your kitchen a truly respectable look. They are very strong and reliable, while cheaper than natural stone, which, of course, is a plus.

They are made using special binders and pigments, and stone or mineral chips are used as the basis. Mostly manufacturers offer two types of countertops - acrylic and agglomerate.

Agglomerate contains much more mineral or stone chips, which is why this type of artificial stone is much stronger than the acrylic version.


+ Good resistance to mechanical damage;
+ You can create various forms;
+ They are not difficult to care for;
+ Water resistant.


- They are almost impossible to restore;
- Too high temperatures damage the material;
- Strong impact may cause cracks.

Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone
Countertop for kitchen made of artificial stone

Steel countertops

Very popular appearance in the modern market. Such work surfaces fit perfectly into modern design, combined with chrome elements of the kitchen - a refrigerator, hood or sink.

Often used in small kitchens, as metal mirrored surfaces visually expand the space of the kitchen.


+ Do not oxidize and resist corrosion;
+ Do not chip, quite durable;
+ Eco-friendly;
+ Resistant to high temperatures.


- They can make noise;
- Scratches and hand marks are visible;
- In the absence of a strong base, dents may appear.

Steel kitchen worktop
Steel kitchen worktop
Steel kitchen worktop
Steel kitchen worktop
Steel kitchen worktop
Steel kitchen worktop
Steel kitchen worktop
Steel kitchen worktop

Glass countertops

The undoubted advantage is their strength, as well as anti-allergenic qualities. Glass throughout its operation will not absorb any odors. Moreover, it is much more expensive than previous options.

Worktops are made of transparent, colored, tinted, frosted and many other types of glass. This will allow you to choose a work surface in the interior, decorated in any subject.


+ Tempered glass is used - this guarantees high strength;
+ As simple as possible to care for - just wipe with a damp cloth;
+ Safe - environmentally friendly material, it is impossible to cut yourself on the finished edges.


- Much more expensive than previous options;
- Strength is lower than that of natural stone;
- If you do not wipe off damp stains immediately, the glass may become dull.

Glass kitchen worktop
Glass kitchen worktop
Glass kitchen worktop
Glass kitchen worktop
Glass kitchen worktop
Glass kitchen worktop
Glass kitchen worktop
Glass kitchen worktop
Glass kitchen worktop
Glass kitchen worktop

Countertops made of natural stone

Elite and durable material. Mention of stone countertops appeared back in ancient Rome. The most expensive of the presented variations, which is caused by its highest strength and durability. The luxury of appearance is difficult to describe in words.

A huge range of colors is presented from natural and warm shades to very rare and original patterns. Countertops made of such material can give the kitchen an atmosphere of luxury.

Mostly made of marble or granite.


+ Have a stunning look;
+ Perfectly cope with moisture, high temperatures and mechanical influences;
+ Hygienic and environmentally friendly.


- Very expensive material;
- It has a lot of weight;
- Marble is subject to shallow scratches.

Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone
Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone
Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone
Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone
Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone
Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone
Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone
Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone
Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone
Countertop for kitchen made of natural stone

Concrete worktop

Concrete is a strong and sufficiently solid material that withstands high temperatures. It is practically not inferior to granite and marble, although it costs much less and is much more affordable.

But this surface has one feature that must be considered when choosing. Various organic substances can clog into the pores of concrete, which is why caring for the kitchen is complicated. This material can be destroyed by exposure to various acids, since they remove calcium, which is a binder in concrete.


+ Beautiful appearance;
+ Many different variations;
+ Durable enough;
+ You can do it yourself.


- Affected by acidic substances;
- Full and regular care is necessary, otherwise the pores will become dirty.

Concrete kitchen worktop
Concrete kitchen worktop
Concrete kitchen worktop
Concrete kitchen worktop
Concrete kitchen worktop
Concrete kitchen worktop
Concrete kitchen worktop
Concrete kitchen worktop

Tile countertop

Tiling the work area is an excellent and economical option. Thanks to this simple material with a huge selection of various shades and textures, you can make a unique countertop. Ceramics has a fairly strong surface, so it is perfect for the kitchen.


+ A correctly installed surface is completely tight - this will not allow it to swell;
+ Easy to clean and wash by any means;
+ Simple and affordable repair - just replace the damaged tiles.


- This cladding cannot be made completely smooth, in any case there will be seams;
- The difficulty of proper installation.

Tile kitchen worktop
Tile kitchen worktop
Tile kitchen worktop
Tile kitchen worktop
Tile kitchen worktop
Tile kitchen worktop
Tile kitchen worktop
Tile kitchen worktop
Tile kitchen worktop
Tile kitchen worktop

Countertop color palette

Modern finishing technologies make it possible to achieve all kinds of colors and textures, so consumers have no particular problems with the choice of color. This allows you to choose a color scheme for any absolute design and direction.

White countertop for the kitchen

Scandinavian, classic styles, high-tech and modern harmonize perfectly with the white countertop, making it extremely sophisticated. A similar solution is combined with mirrors, pastel shades of walls or dark furniture facades. White gives the room light, purity and peace, which many housewives like.

White countertop for the kitchen
White countertop for the kitchen

Gray countertop for the kitchen

Gray countertop is suitable for interior with white and wood details.If you want to complete the work area in this color, then you probably will like the solution of concrete, stone or metal.

Gray countertop for the kitchen
Gray countertop for the kitchen
Gray countertop for the kitchen

Black countertop for the kitchen

A kitchen with a worktop of this color is practical and convenient on the one hand, as well as a stylish and aristocratic look on the other. Therefore, professional decorators often prefer a working coating in this color. He supports many modern technological trends in design and focuses on himself. In a small room, black will create visual depth and increase space.

Plus, surrounded by the brilliance of metal and shades of white, such a surface looks especially respectable.

Black countertop for the kitchen
Black countertop for the kitchen

Beige kitchen worktop

This is a very soft and neutral color, which is combined with the accessories of the color of dark wood or chocolate. It is desirable that the countertop is in harmony with the walls, which should be decorated in close cream colors. Thus, you will get a delicate and elegant kitchen.

Beige kitchen worktop
Beige kitchen worktop

Brown kitchen worktop

The tabletop is made of dark or brown wood suitable for light, cream and beige kitchens. A very popular white-brown duet, which attracts with its versatility and character. This combination is used in the loft, modern classics and English style.

Brown kitchen worktop
Brown kitchen worktop


