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Hippeastrum (55 photos): types and care

Hippeastrum (55 photos): types and care

Hippeastrum is a representative of the South African flora from the Amaryllis family. The diversity of the genus reaches 90 diverse species. This is an extremely popular plant, which is appreciated for its unusually beautiful and large inflorescences. But to get high-quality flowering is quite difficult, because the flower comes from the tropics, and therefore is very picky and demanding in care. Let's try together to figure out how to care for these beautiful flowers.

Types of Hippeastrum

Breeders gave us more than two thousand hybrids of an authentic plant. The most noticeable difference between them is the color and shape of the flowers.

Hippeastrum Palace has become enormous among connoisseurs of indoor plants. He has large scarlet flowers, presented on a fleshy peduncle. It, in turn, is divided into several main varieties:

1. Red - characterized by the presence of narrow green stripes on red or pink petals;

2. Royal - has scarlet pointed flowers resembling a star. It grows to an unusually high height;

3. Columnar - sprouts about six delicate inflorescences with unusual tubular funnels. It is usually painted in salmon color.

There is a classification of hippeastrum, based on the origin, shape or size, timing of flowering plants. It is represented by several groups of hybrids: with amaryllis belladonna; with orchids; with long tube flowers; Leopold hybrids and other species.

In such a huge variety only real experts can figure it out. We have compiled a short list of those colors that are most often found in interiors:

Harrison's view - straight from Uruguay, has magnificent white flowers with a red line running through the center. It requires high humidity and a rest period in a cool environment.

Hippeastrum Nelson - found in nature in Bolivia, a rather rare species. It has an amazing shape and color. Beautiful cream-colored petals with a red border around the edges.

Doran - grows on the banks of the Orinoco River. It has bright pink petals, enveloped in a white stripe.

Argentine hippeastrum - presented in a white appearance and has a delicate aroma. Has corrugated and pointed flowers.

This is only a small part of all existing species, but it is worth noting one important fact - no matter which one you choose, this plant will delight you every day thanks to its juicy leaves and give at least a month in a year a delicate aroma.

Hippeastrum - Views
Hippeastrum - Views
Hippeastrum - Views

Flowering hippeaustrum

The flower of the hippeastrum is really very beautiful, so many housewives try to do everything to admire the flowering of this beautiful plant. Young specimens bloom no more than once a year, but more mature specimens bloom twice.

If your flower does not bloom for a long time, then you need to fertilize it. At the beginning of autumn, it is imperative to arrange a rest period. Move the pot to a cool place and stop watering until about January. Watering must be renewed carefully, moving the plant to a bright place. After these procedures, young buds will appear within 3-4 weeks.

The plant will give 2-6 flowers. As a rule, the flowering cycle occurs within three weeks - from the appearance of the first buds to complete withering. The amount of time that a hippeastrum leaves flowers is dependent on temperature conditions. For example, if the situation around is hot enough, then everything happens pretty quickly. If the plant has several peduncles, then flowering takes longer and can last up to 1.5 months.

Flowering hippeaustrum
Flowering hippeaustrum
Flowering hippeaustrum

Breeding methods

Reproduction takes place in two ways - seed and vegetative. To obtain seeds, you need to pollinate the flowers with a brush. When the seed box is formed, it takes about 2 months to mature. But first you need to soak all the seeds in a weak solution of boric acid. Please note that plants with white inflorescences are not considered the most favorable for strong seeds.

In the second case, reproduction occurs as follows. When the first two leaves appear on the plant, they are transplanted into other pots. In addition, adult bulbs sometimes produce children who are ready for transplantation several months later.

Hippeastrum - Reproduction Methods
Hippeastrum - Reproduction Methods
Hippeastrum - Reproduction Methods


This South African flower receives the main nutrition from the soil, so adult plants require a transplant every year. In order for flowers to appear sooner, the pot must be close. The distance from the bulbs to the borders of the container should be about 3 cm. The bulb should be approximately half deepened, take care of this.

Transplantation is best done in the spring, after 3 weeks from the last day of flowering. If you are convinced that the roots of the plant are healthy, then they should not be pruned. Remove all excess parts, reaching dense and fleshy white layers. Next, place the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, and gently but thoroughly wipe the bulbs. By the way, it often happens that the roots are released by the children, it is also better to remove them, so that they do not subsequently take energy from the mother-flower.

The soil can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store or collected from the following components: turf land; humus leaves; river sand; peat.

Pay attention to ceramic pots - they allow the hippeastrum to breathe, especially since they are unlikely to tip over under the influence of weight.

Hippeastrum - Transplant
Hippeastrum - Transplant

Hippeastrum care at home

Daily care for this kind of flower does not require much effort. He needs bright lighting during most of the daylight hours. That is why it is advisable to place the pot on the southern windowsills. Varieties that drop leaves, without fail, require rest in a dark place.

Room temperature has a positive effect on life expectancy and flowering periods. In winter, the temperature can be reduced up to + 11C, and in summer, put a flower on the street, while avoiding through places. This plant prefers a stable environment, sharp cooling in the evening is undesirable.

Humidity does not have much effect on this flower. Leaves can be wiped with a damp cloth or sprayed with water. Performing this procedure regularly is not necessary.

Hippeastrum care at home
Hippeastrum care at home
Hippeastrum care at home

Hippeastrum care in the garden

Most gardeners say that under natural conditions, the flower feels much better, despite its origin. In the ground, the bulb grows several times. It must be remembered that this is a perennial plant, so the bulb must be stored carefully and maintained. This is the only guarantee of a beautiful and blooming hippeastrum.

The hippeastrum is planted in the spring, when the ground is already fully warmed up, and for the winter the bulbs are removed from the ground, otherwise they will simply freeze. Plants winter without leaves and roots, so you need to clean them from these parts.

Form beds in a somewhat shady place. Dig the ground before planting, add some ash, humus and river sand to it. Plant in such a way that the bulb peeps 1–2 cm above the ground.

Water the plant 1 or 2 times a week, depending on weather conditions. If the plant gives the arrow very early, then it is worth trimming the shoot. After this procedure, lush and strong leaves will appear.

Observe the plants - a dense crust should not form around them and weeds should not grow; dispose of them immediately as soon as you notice.

It is best to remove plants from the soil already in the beginning of autumn, and put onions in a cool place with air temperature + 13 ... + 15C.

Hippeastrum care in the garden
Hippeastrum care in the garden
Hippeastrum care in the garden
Hippeastrum care in the garden

Diseases and treatment of hippeastrum

If your flower slows down or stops growing altogether, urgently check the bulbs. They can be infected with a fungus or damaged by various pests. The best way to save the plant is to treat it with a special tool and transplant it into a healthy, fertilized soil.

When the tips of the leaves begin to acquire a brown color - this indicates dry air or low potassium levels. Install a room humidifier, fertilize the soil and your hippeastrum will recover.

To maintain the health and beauty of the plant, liquid fertilizers are used. The first feeding should be done when the stalk of the peduncle exceeds 15 cm. This procedure should be carried out once every two weeks until the dormant period begins.

Hippeastrum - Diseases and treatment
Hippeastrum - Diseases and treatment
Hippeastrum - Diseases and treatment

Rest period

When the leaves of your hippeastrum wilt, begin to turn yellow, and the bulb grows in volume, this signals a preparation for the dormant period. You need to trim the leaves, finish watering and top dressing. After that, the pot is transferred to a cool and dark place. The permissible temperature for the plant during this period will be + 10 ... + 15C.

The whole process lasts from early September to late December. It is very important to prevent the bulb from drying out. To do this, about once a month, add a little water to the pan. The better the resting period, the more magnificent the flowering and appearance of the flower will be.

Hippeastrum - Rest Period
Hippeastrum - Rest Period
Hippeastrum - Rest Period

Hippeastrum - photo

Often, the hippeastrum is distilled on New Year's Eve and Christmas. And this is undoubtedly a good reason for decorating the interior with flowers for the holiday. At the peak of its flowering, the plant looks very bright and solemn, so it is best to put it in a noticeable place in the living room - let it become the main decoration of the New Year's decoration!

Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo
Hippeastrum - photo


