Ideas 73385

Gray color in the interior: how and where to apply

Gray color in the interior: how and where to apply

Many consider gray to be gloomy, trying not to use it when decorating a house. But it is unlikely that the palette will have an equally neutral, restrained and universal tone that can easily be combined with absolutely all other colors. If you select the right textures and shades, the gray color in the interior will look modern and stylish, reducing the brightness of elements that are too saturated and softening the monochrome black and white design.

Interior in gray tones - effect on the psyche

Interpretation of one of the most popular psychological tests for color selection - the Luscher test - indicates that people who are tired of stress, exams and competition often give preference to gray. He expresses the desire for peace, relaxation, solitude. Isn’t this what the inhabitants of megalopolises constantly living in a tense rhythm need to come home? If so, the interior in gray tones will provide a comfortable space for restoration of strength and mental energy.

The achromatic environment is suitable for those who have to work a lot with people and do mental work. Surrounded by gray, you can temporarily forget about problems, erase unnecessary information from your memory and plunge into a serene void.

And if at some point you want emotions, it is enough to decorate the apartment with bright accessories or choose colored textiles - and life will sparkle with new colors.

Gray color in the interior

Combination with other colors

The neutrality of gray allows you to complement it with any shades - from pastel to dusty dark. But the most harmonious options are suggested by nature itself, and these are very noticeable contrasts: the clear blue sky among the clouds; purple-pink sunset against a background of clouds; spring greens on tree branches; yellow flowers around stones in the mountains.

Brown-beige, sand and golden shades, as well as warm white (cream, vanilla, champagne) look a little unnatural next to gray - this is due to different color temperatures.

Gray with blue

This classic tandem reflects the ever-changing perfection of the heavenly expanse and the wide variety of its shades - from dark thunderclouds to translucent haze; from deep blue to an airy light blue veil. This combination promotes relaxation, and therefore is most suitable for rest rooms - bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms.

Gray color in the interior - a combination with blue
Gray color in the interior - a combination with blue

Gray with pink

The cheerful shade of spring flowers on a gray background seems to glow from the inside, making the atmosphere romantic and a little frivolous. Pink elements of the interior will surely appeal to girls with a soft feminine character. It is also a good option for decorating a little princess's children's room.

Gray color in the interior - a combination with pink color
Gray color in the interior - a combination with pink color
Gray color in the interior - a combination with pink color

Gray with green

It’s hard to find a more natural pair of colors than gray and green. Their union is associated with the first sprouts appearing on bare ground, with leaves only blossoming on the branches.

Lime green perfectly refreshes the monochrome design, recalling that even in the concrete urban jungle there should be a place for nature.

Gray color in the interior - a combination with green
Gray color in the interior - a combination with green

Gray with yellow

If there is a perfect color to dispel the dusk of gray - then this is yellow. Together they look as organic as the sun and shadow. The interior in yellow-gray tones energizes with optimism, in whatever proportion these shades are mixed, and you can use such a wonderful combination in absolutely all rooms.

Gray color in the interior - a combination with yellow
Gray color in the interior - a combination with yellow

Gray with red

The interaction of the most active and most calm tones throughout the spectrum creates a very interesting effect - as if individual fragments of a black-and-white photograph were left in color, while maximizing their brightness.

Large red details in a gray environment attract attention and appear in all its splendor. This is an avant-garde solution that will suit determined and passionate people.

Gray color in the interior - a combination with red
Gray color in the interior - a combination with red

Interior Styles and Gray

Gray is surrounded by modern man everywhere - high-rise buildings of sleeping areas and skyscrapers of business centers, offices and production halls, roads and sidewalks. Thus, this color is an almost imperceptible, familiar background for life. Due to its industrial nature, it forms the basis of urban design trends. These include loft, high-tech, as well as minimalism.

However, the presence of gray in nature makes it an equally good base for dim ethnic motifs - the Scandinavian style, Provence. Sometimes in this calm shade they also design a classic interior.


In an urban loft, gray almost always plays a leading role, occupying from 70 to 100% of the space. Walls of concrete or cheap silicate brick, as well as metal pipes of communications - all these are certainly achromatic shades, but because of the huge windows such an interior looks free and spacious.

Gray color in the interior - loft style
Gray color in the interior - loft style
Gray color in the interior - loft style

High tech

Most likely, a few decades ago, science fiction writers imagined the 21st century house like that: polished metal to a shine, pleasantly felt plastic, plexiglass, the latest technology with touch controls - and not a single superfluous thing. In predominantly mirrored plain textures, gray looks so organically that replacing it with any other colors simply does not make sense.

Gray color in the interior - hi-tech style

Classic style

In the classic interior, gray is much less common than white, beige, brown and gold, but for a calm and restrained design, it is a real find.

This color can equally well be used both in decoration and household items, furniture, fabrics, but in any case, the texture should be matte. The only exception is small silver wallpaper patterns or metal fittings.

Gray color in the interior - classic style
Gray color in the interior - classic style

Scandinavian style

In the Northern European design, the lightest shades of gray are usually used, and they are necessarily diluted with pure white, bleached wood details, interspersed with folk decor (patchwork, woven rugs, large-knit textiles). This design is suitable for small and medium-sized rooms, creating a calm cosiness with notes of home warmth.

Gray color in the interior - Scandinavian style
Gray color in the interior - Scandinavian style


In the rustic simplicity of Provence there is a place for all pastel colors, including gray. But it should not be the harsh color of concrete or steel, but rather the natural shades of transparent blue fog, mountain stones, wood burned out in the sun, unpainted linen, or slightly dirty lime.

Gray color in the interior - provence style
Gray color in the interior - provence style

Proper lighting is important!

Gray itself is the color of the shadow, so even in the most diluted version, it brings a touch of dusk to the interior. To avoid the feeling of constantly being overcast, it is very important to take care of the light sources.

The gray room should have large windows, which are preferably left uncovered, at least during the day. At other times, numerous spotlights, large ceiling-mounted chandeliers, wall sconces can make up for the lack of sun.

Visually expand the space and increase the amount of light - mirrors, glass doors and partitions located opposite bright sources of light, as well as any glossy surfaces, will help.

Gray color in the interior - proper lighting

Interiors in gray - photo

If you are thinking about whether to use gray color in the interior of the apartment, we suggest first to take a look at how it looks in already decorated rooms. These photos can become both the basis for future repairs in your home, or just a good source of useful ideas.

Gray color in the living room interior

The living room in gray tones is a place where it will be nice to gather and relax for people of all ages, tastes and preferences, without exception.The neutrality of this color acts in a conciliatory manner and promotes peaceful leisure, both alone and in a large company.

Gray color in the living room interior
Gray color in the living room interior
Gray color in the living room interior
Gray color in the living room interior
Gray color in the living room interior
Gray color in the living room interior
Gray color in the living room interior
Gray color in the living room interior
Gray color in the living room interior
Gray color in the living room interior

Gray color in the interior of the kitchen

The kitchen, which is dominated by gray shades, allows you to fully concentrate on the cooking process. In many ways, it resembles the production premises of upscale restaurants, where all the furniture and countertops are certainly made of steel. But even if the home kitchen has wooden furniture and cast stone countertops, the gray color will make it stylish and practical.

Gray color in the interior of the kitchen
Gray color in the interior of the kitchen
Gray color in the interior of the kitchen
Gray color in the interior of the kitchen
Gray color in the interior of the kitchen
Gray color in the interior of the kitchen
Gray color in the interior of the kitchen
Gray color in the interior of the kitchen
Gray color in the interior of the kitchen

Gray color in the bedroom interior

In the peaceful surroundings of gray it is very easy to relax and have a good rest. The main thing is that the bedroom decoration should not be too dark - instead of saturated graphite it is better to choose softer, more delicate tones with a matte or light silky texture.

Gray color in the bedroom interior
Gray color in the bedroom interior
Gray color in the bedroom interior
Gray color in the bedroom interior
Gray color in the bedroom interior
Gray color in the bedroom interior
Gray color in the bedroom interior
Gray color in the bedroom interior
Gray color in the bedroom interior

Gray color in the interior of the bathroom

Finishing in gray tones is a very practical solution for the bathroom, because on such a surface water splashes or stains from dried condensate are almost invisible. But when choosing a shade, the size of the room should be taken into account - the smaller the area of ​​the bathroom, the brighter the paint or tile should be, and gray should be supplemented with white gloss of plumbing and use more mirrors.

Gray color in the interior of the bathroom
Gray color in the interior of the bathroom
Gray color in the interior of the bathroom
Gray color in the interior of the bathroom
Gray color in the interior of the bathroom
Gray color in the interior of the bathroom

Gray color in the interior of the hallway and corridor

Since there is almost never natural light in the corridor or hallway, in this case, you definitely need to install several bright bulbs and hang a large mirror. A white ceiling and minimal (or complete absence) of contrasting color combinations are also recommended.

Gray color in the interior of the hallway and corridor
Gray color in the interior of the hallway and corridor
Gray color in the interior of the hallway and corridor
Gray color in the interior of the hallway and corridor
Gray color in the interior of the hallway and corridor
Gray color in the interior of the hallway and corridor

Gray color in the interior of a children's room

Too active children, the gray color can have a calming effect, moreover, it is universal - suitable for both girls and boys. In order for the monochrome interior of the nursery not to look depressing, it should be supplemented with one or two pure colors: green, orange, pink, blue or yellow.

Gray color in the interior of a children's room
Gray color in the interior of a children's room
Gray color in the interior of a children's room
Gray color in the interior of a children's room
Gray color in the interior of a children's room
Gray color in the interior of a children's room
Gray color in the interior of a children's room

Video: Gray in interior design


